From: Ashley Yakeley <>
Hi, how do I express "if V is a vector space, then V is an affine space on
V" given this locale for affine spaces? Note that vector_space is also a
locale. I know how to show something is an interpretation of my affine_space
locale if that something is a class instead of a locale.
theory Affine
imports RealVector
locale affine_space =
vector_space scale for scale ::"'a::field ⇒ 'b::ab_group_add ⇒ 'b" +
fixes affplus :: "'b ⇒ 'f ⇒ 'f"
fixes affminus :: "'f ⇒ 'f ⇒ 'b"
assumes affine_zero [simp]: "affplus 0 p = p"
and affine_assoc [simp]: "affplus v (affplus w p) = affplus (v + w) p"
and affine_invert_1 [simp]: "affplus (affminus q p) p = q"
and affine_invert_2 [simp]: "affminus (affplus v p) p = v"
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Ashley,
there are in several ways to do that.
sublocale vector_space < affine_space
"implementation for affplus"
"implementation for affminus"
followed by a proof that your implementations for affplus and affminus satisfy
the assumptions. Although this is the standard way, it does not work in your
case because affine_space is already a sublocale of vector_space, as the former
inherits from the latter. Therefore, after this declaration, the context
vector_space may no longer be opened.
locale vector_space_as_affine_space = vector_space
sublocale vector_space_as_affine_space < affine_space
lemma (in vector_space) affine_space:
"affine_space space
(implementation_for_affplus) (implementation_for_affminus)"
Then, whenever you need a fact F from affine_space in a proof of vector_space,
either locally interpret affine_space
lemma ...
interpret affine_space
"implementation for affplus"
"implementation for affminus"
by(rule affine_space)
note F
or bypass the locale mechanism and work on the foundational layer directly, i.e.
note affine_space.F[OF affine_space]
Hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC