From: "Dr A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki" <>
Dear all,
are there the diamond and box operators from modal logic ("possibly",
"necessarily" resp.) anywhere defined in the AFP or in the Library?
Many thanks,
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
On 21/08/2019 02:48, Dr A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki wrote:
Dear all,
are there the diamond and box operators from modal logic ("possibly",
"necessarily" resp.) anywhere defined in the AFP or in the Library?
There is an entry Linear Temporal Logic
Many thanks,
From: Gergely Buday <>
Christoph Benzmüller has some papers on formalizing modal logic:
I don't know whether the files are available in the AFP or the library.
From: Joao Marcos <>
Hi, Angeliki:
are there the diamond and box operators from modal logic ("possibly",
"necessarily" resp.) anywhere defined in the AFP or in the Library?
Some 15 years ago I had a paper on automating and experimenting with
labelled natural deduction for a couple of normal modal logics (and
also some hybrid logics):
The corresponding theories have not been ported from Isabelle 2005,
though, and results have not been submitted to the AFP. Maybe they
will be considered useful again, nonetheless, as hardcore
proof-theorists seem finally to have embraced labelled deduction.
Yours, Joao Marcos
From: Tjark Weber <>
In addition to what was mentioned already, there is also an AFP entry
on Modal Logics for Nominal Transition Systems:
This deals with transitions that can bind names, and features
infinitary formulas, so (depending on what your goal is) it may be a
bit over the top. I am just mentioning it for completeness.
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From: Tobias Nipkow <>
Let me also advertise the Search button on the AFP home page: if you type in
"modal", it finds Tjark's entry as the second item on its list.
From: Andreas Halkjær From <>
My Epistemic Logic entry defines the K operator which is like the box
but indexed by an agent:
For my master's thesis I am working on a Hybrid Logic entry which will
have the "regular" box/diamond operators, but I only started this week.
A. H. From
From: "Dr A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki" <>
thank you everyone for your answers. Andreas, looking forward to your
epistemic logic entry
From: "Dr A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki" <>
Dear Joao,
many thanks for pointing to this interesting paper
Best wishes,
From: Andreas Halkjær From <>
My formalization of a sound and complete tableau system for hybrid logic is
now available here:
I am still working on it, in particular on getting rid of the Bridge rule,
but you may find it interesting already.
Best, A.
Den lør. 31. aug. 2019 kl. 15.04 skrev Dr A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki <>:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC