From: Tobias Nipkow <>
A new article has been added to the Archive of Formal Proofs, just in
time for Christmas ;-)
A Bytecode Logic for JML and Types
Lennart Beringer and Martin Hofmann
This document contains the Isabelle/HOL sources underlying the paper "A
bytecode logic for JML and types" by Beringer and Hofmann, updated to
Isabelle 2008. We present a program logic for a subset of sequential
Java bytecode that is suitable for representing both, features found in
high-level specification language JML as well as interpretations of
high-level type systems. To this end, we introduce a fine-grained
collection of assertions, including strong invariants, local annotations
and VDM-reminiscent partial-correctness specifications. Thanks to a
goal-oriented structure and interpretation of judgements, verification
may proceed without recourse to an additional control flow analysis. The
suitability for interpreting intensional type systems is illustrated by
the proof-carrying-code style encoding of a type system for a
first-order functional language which guarantees a constant upper bound
on the number of objects allocated throughout an execution, be the
execution terminating or non-terminating. Like the published paper, the
formal development is restricted to a comparatively small subset of the
JVML, lacking (among other features) exceptions, arrays, virtual
methods, and static fields. This shortcoming has been overcome
meanwhile, as our paper has formed the basis of the Mobius base logic, a
program logic for the full sequential fragment of the JVML. Indeed, the
present formalisation formed the basis of a subsequent formalisation of
the Mobius base logic in the proof assistant Coq, which includes a proof
of soundness with respect to the Bicolano operational semantics by
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC