From: Florian Haftmann <>
I get this error
Wellsortedness error:
Type nat not of sort {equal,order}
No type arity nat :: equalWhat do I need to do?
In a bit more detail: I have generalised the Regular-Sets AFP entry by replacing
nat by 'a::order. This results in the above error when executing the proof
method regexp. The latter intentionally still uses nat, but I expected the class
system to take care of that.
A rough guess: when
check_eqv :: "nat rexp \<Rightarrow> nat rexp \<Rightarrow> bool" …
is generalized to
check_eqv :: "'a::order rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a::order rexp
\<Rightarrow> bool" …
the instance nat :: equal is not present in the transitive closure of
code equations specified in
val regexp_conv = Code_Runtime.static_holds_conv thy
[@{const_name Zero}, @{const_name One}, @{const_name Atom}, @{const_name Plus},
@{const_name Times}, @{const_name Star},
@{const_name check_eqv}, @{const_name Trueprop}]
This is easiest resolve by defining a separate
definition check_eqv :: "nat rexp \<Rightarrow> nat rexp \<Rightarrow>
bool" …
"check_eqv = Equivalence_Checking.check_eqv"
in Regexp_Method.thy and using this in the the definition of regexp_conv
(which in this case means not to change the text of this definition).
Hope this helps,
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
Dear Code generation experts,
I get this error
Wellsortedness error:
Type nat not of sort {equal,order}
No type arity nat :: equal
What do I need to do?
In a bit more detail: I have generalised the Regular-Sets AFP entry by replacing
nat by 'a::order. This results in the above error when executing the proof
method regexp. The latter intentionally still uses nat, but I expected the class
system to take care of that.
Thanks in advance!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC