From: Makarius <>
On Thu, 16 Apr 2015, Lars Noschinski wrote:
I have occasionally problems with hovering, in the sense that popups do
not appear (at least not in a reasonable amount of time). I have not
been able to discern a pattern, so here are some observations:
- Most of the time, everything works fine.
- Sometimes, I do not get popups at all (but clicking still works).
- Sometimes, I get popups at some places, but not in other places
(even in the same file on the same screen).- Forcing Isabelle to reprocess by changing some part above (or
cutting and pasting the relevant part) does not seem to help.- Once, popups didn't work for some part at the top of the screen.
Scrolling up helped. When I scrolled down again, I couldn't get the
popup anymore. This was repeatable.- Usually, it vanishes after a restart, but some files seem to trigger
this behaviour more easily (or there are some external conditions
which cause this?). While writing this mail, I had to restart jEdit
a few times, till I got working popups in a certain file.
Afterwards, I worked reliably; even after more restarts.
Did you see these problems again?
From a distance it looks to me like an allergic reaction of the window
manager versus Java/AWT/Swing. What exactly is your desktop environment?
From: Makarius <>
So the next attempt is to try OpenJDK from that system. In principle, it
should be possible to bypass the Isabelle JDK component, by having local
settings with ISABELLE_JDK_HOME pointing to a proper place. This assumes
a canonical directory structure, but Linux packagers often destroy that.
OpenJDK variants claim to work better on the "native" Linux system they
are made for. I've occasionally checked that, with relatively little
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC