From: Alexander Krauss <>
I stumbled across a syntax problem for the option_case expressions:
However, when I use the function package, when I want to show
syntaxtest'.simps, not (case s of None ...) is displayed, but
option_case ... s.
This is because the function package eta-normalizes the right hand
sides, which breaks the case syntax. Currently there is no easy fix for
this, unfortunately.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi all,
I stumbled across a syntax problem for the option_case expressions:
When I define a function with the definition keyword, say
definition syntaxtest :: "('x => bool) Þ ('x * ('l => nat)) option =>
bool" where
"syntaxtest f s = (case s of None Þ True | Some (a, b) => f a & (b =
(\<lambda>l. 0)))"
and then display syntaxtest_def, I get as expected:
syntaxtest f s = (case s of None Þ True | Some (a, b) => f a & (b =
(\<lambda>l. 0)))
However, when I use the function package, when I want to show
syntaxtest'.simps, not (case s of None ...) is displayed, but
option_case ... s.
fun syntaxtest' :: "('x => bool) Þ ('x * ('l => nat)) option => bool" where
"syntaxtest' f s = (case s of None Þ True | Some (a, b) => f a Ù (b =
(\<lambda>l. 0)))"
syntaxtest' ?f ?s =
option_case True (prod_case (\<lambda>a b. ?f a & b = (\<lambda>l. 0))) ?s
Is there a way to use the function package and have the normal case
syntax being displayed?
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC