From: Barbara Sprick <>
====== PHD Positions available ======
The Technische Universität Darmstadt is one of Germany's top technical
universities with an outstanding nation-wide and international
reputation in research and education. The chair Modeling and Analysis
of Information Systems (brief: MAIS) was founded in 2007 as part of
Theoretical Computer Science. Prof.~Dr.~Heiko Mantel is the scientific
coordinator of the DFG priority programme `Reliably Secure Software
Systems' (brief: RS3).
In the context of the RS3-Project `Reliable Security for Concurrent
Programs', the MAIS group is currently offering
2 Positions for PhD-Students (Doktorandenstellen).
Information flow control is the basis for a property-centric and
semantically well-founded approach to IT security.
While Information flow security for sequential programs is a non-trivial
problem, the conceptual complexity of concurrent systems poses
additional challenges and makes it particularly desirable to obtain
reliable security guarantees.
This project addresses the formal assurance of security guarantees for
concurrent programs based on declarative information flow properties
and reliable program analyses. It aims at a novel framework for
adequately characterising security aspects by noninterference-like
information flow properties as well as for analysing and certifying
the security of concurrent programs based on well-founded semantics.
The detailed job advertisement can be found at
Further information about the project can be found at
In case of any further questions please contact Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
Deadline for applications is the 10th of October 2010.
However, we will consider applications until the position is filled.
TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes
applications from women. Handicapped persons having the same
qualification will be preferred.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC