From: Moa Johansson <>
Chalmers is hiring PhD students in the Functional Programming group,
to work on topics such as domain-specific languages, compilers,
testing, automated reasoning, computer linguistics, and more.
Read the announcement here:
The application deadline is 2012-12-12. Please pass this on to
interested students.
PhD student positions in Functional Programming
The Department has 76 faculty members and enrolls about 70 PhD
students from more than 30 countries. The research spans the whole
spectrum, from theoretical underpinnings to applied systems
development. There is extensive national and international
collaboration with academia and industry all around the world.
Information about the division
The Functional Programming group at Chalmers is a world-leading
research group with an outstanding track record in research, and an
excellent network of collaborators in both academia and industry. The
group has done ground breaking work in embedded domain specific
languages (DSLs) and in software testing (where work on QuickCheck has
been hugely influential both inside and outside the functional
programming community). We are collaborating with Ericsson to develop
Feldspar, a DSL for Digital Signal Processing algorithm development.
We are also working on DSLs for programming GPUs and for FPGA
programming. We have obtained a large grant from the Swedish Strategic
Research Agency to work on Resource Aware Functional Programming, and
this project brings together DSLs and testing. It also allows us to
have a steady flow of interesting visitors. In a new EU project,
PROWESS, we will work on new techniques for modelling and
property-based testing in web services. We also have a strong interest
in automated theorem proving. With four professors and five assistant
professors, the group enjoys critical mass, and provides the ideal
research environment for doctoral studies in Functional Programming.
Job description
The PhD students will join the Functional Programming group and
contribute to its research in the general area of Functional
Programming. The selection of specific research projects for the
present positions will take into account both the interests of the new
students and the research agenda of the group. There will be ample
opportunities for collaboration with the group's academic and
industrial contacts.
The job is a full time employment, limited to five years. 80% of the
working time is devoted to research studies, and the remaining 20% to
other duties, mainly teaching. It is expected that the student will
obtain the PhD within the five-year period.
Applicants should have a Master’s Degree or corresponding (Sw.
civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or in
a related discipline. Strong research interest and relevant research
track record must be well documented in the application. A genuine
interest and curiosity in Functional Programming and excellent
analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are
In particular, we welcome applicants with documented interest in
domain-specific languages, software testing and specification, or
automated theorem proving.
You may apply even though you might not have completed your degree
yet, but expect to do so before the position starts. Knowledge of
Swedish is not a prerequisite for applying since English is our
working language for research, and we publish internationally. Both
Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our
researchers and PhD students at the department come from more than 30
different countries.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC