From: Tjark Weber <>
[Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to interested students.]
The department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, opens two
fully paid PhD student positions in Computer Science, on formal
specification and verification for concurrent systems. One position
will focus on verification and correctness proofs of programs, and the
other will focus on semantics and specification languages. Advisors are
Tjark Weber and Joachim Parrow.
The positions are fully paid for 5 years and include 20% teaching
duties. The work will be carried out in the Modeling of Concurrent
Computation research group
The candidate should have a Master of Science in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, Mathematics or equivalent, with a strong
background in logic, formal semantics and concurrent/parallel
programming. Experience with interactive theorem proving (e.g.,
Isabelle, Coq) is a plus. Good knowledge of written and spoken English
is a requirement for employment.
For more details and instructions on how to apply see
For more information on what support you can expect see
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC