From: Cezary Kaliszyk <>
We invite applications for PhD student and PostDoctoral researcher
positions (3 years) funded by the Austrian Science Fund project
"Interactive Proof: Proof Translation, Premise Selection, Rewriting"
at the Computational Logic research group of the Institute of Computer
Science at the University of Innsbruck.
The deadline for applications is 15th of December; the project starts
1 February 2014; but a later starting date can be negotiated.
The main goal of the project is to create and further develop techniques
and tools for using automated approaches in interactive proof systems in
order to allow the mechanical construction of proofs that can be
computer-verified. The project intends to develop and provide: a) proof
translation between various logics and external first and higher order
ATPs (automated theorem provers); b) stronger machine learning-based
premise selection; c) automatic deriving and simplifying terminating and
confluent rewrite databases for the interactive proof systems.
The project is to be conducted in the Computational Logic group of the
Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck.
The research group is mainly concerned with the logical foundations of
computer science and their application to the analysis of complex
systems. Our current work involves verification of algorithms and
research on complexity, as well as term rewriting.
Candidates for a PhD position must hold a MSc in computer science or
mathematics and candidates for the postdoctoral position hold a PhD
degree in computer science or mathematics. A background in
computational logic (proof assistants, functional programming, term
rewriting), as well as machine learning is an advantage.
Knowledge of German is not required, as the group is international and
the language of communication is English.
Salary is paid according to the FWF funding scheme: for a postdoctoral
researcher (40 hours) approximately EUR 47,000 per year (gross), and
for a PhD student (30 hours) EUR 27,000 per year (gross).
Send applications including CV and two references to Cezary Kaliszyk
( no later than 15 December 2013. Applicants
for the PostDoc position should also send a brief research statement.
Informal inquiries are welcome via the same email address.
The city of Innsbruck, which hosted the Olympic Winter Games in 1964,
1976 and 2012 (YOG), is superbly located in the beautiful surroundings
of the Tyrolean Alps. The combination of the Alpine environment and
urban life in this historic town provides a high quality of living.
More information about the project, the group, the university and the
city of Innsbruck can be found at:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC