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Topic: [isabelle] Positions for PhD students and PostDocs

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 13:24):

From: mantel <>
Positions for PhD Students and PostDocs

The Chair for Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (MAIS) led
by Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel is currently looking for PhD students and
PostDocs who are interested in software security, program analysis,
verification, or foundations of software engineering. In particular,
the following areas are in our current research focus:

o static program analysis (type systems, verification, tools)

o runtime verification (monitoring concepts for security)

o foundations of information security (information flow security,
security models, security engineering, covert channel analysis)

o foundations of stepwise software development (abstraction,
composition, refinement, model-based development, secure coding)

Our activities include the advancement of theoretical foundations, the
development of methods and tools, and the application of our ideas in
practice. Our overall goal is to contribute to making software-based
systems more trustworthy (correct, safe, and secure) than today.

The MAIS group provides a productive research environment, in which
you could discuss ideas and collaborate with motivated colleagues who
are working on related topics. Our international connections as well
as our involvement in interesting research projects (including the
Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt) provide further
opportunities for inspiration and collaborations. For PostDocs, there
might be a later opportunity to renew the position or to continue as
senior researcher.

All of our research projects require a solid background in mathematics
(logic and algebra) or in formal methods. A background in information
security will be helpful, but is not required. PhD students should
have completed a Diploma or Masters program in Computer Science or in
Mathematics before starting. PostDocs should have completed their PhD
thesis. Prior knowledge in any of the following areas is a plus:

o automated theorem proving, model checking, and SAT solving,

o formal methods and logic in Computer Science,

o information security,

o model-based software development and tools, and

o program analysis and semantics of programming languages.

Payment will be according to Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag (BAT

If you are interested in a position as PhD student or PostDoc, please
send your application (preferably on paper) including

o your detailed CV (including language skills in English and German)

o complete educational transcripts with grades and degrees (copies,
no originals),

o description of your background and your research interests,

o and, if possible, the contact information of one or two references
(researchers who are willing to write a reference letter for you)


Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science
Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (MAIS)
Hochschulstrasse 10
D-64289 Darmstadt

If you have questions about the position, please contact us via
e-mail (

The TU Darmstadt aims at increasing the number of female members of
staff. We strongly encourage qualified women to apply. Disabled
candidates will be preferentially treated if equally qualified.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC