From: Christine Paulin <>
INRIA proposes one-year post-doctoral positions for young
Phd graduates. Deadline for application is March 30th see
You may be interested in particular by subjects proposed by the
following groups
Located in Saclay (Orsay) near Paris
Comete (C. Palamidessi)
Tools for the specification and verification of probabilistic security protocols
LogiCal (G. Dowek, B. Werner)
Structuration and development of the standard library of the Coq system
Parsifal (D. Miller)
Reasoning about Logic Specifications
ProVal (C. Paulin)
Trustworthy Decision Procedures
Integration of interactive and automatic proof tools
Certified Compilation of Scade/Lustre
or Located in Sophia-Antipolis
Everest (G. Barthe)
Formal proofs of provable cryptography
Christine Paulin
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC