From: Lutz Schroeder <>
[Thanks for distributing the job advertisement below.]
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) is
seeking a
Postdoctoral Researcher
for its Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems Lab in Bremen working in the
area of security policies within the DFG-project GenMod2, which will
start in February 2010.
The project GenMod2 ("Generic Algorithms in Modal and Hybrid Logics") is
concerned with the further development of a coalgebraic generic
framework for automatic deduction in various extensions of modal logic,
including probabilistic, strategy-oriented, and non-monotonic logics.
Applications of such logics are found on the one hand in various areas
of knowledge representation, that is, in extensions of description
logic, and on the other hand in the specification and verification of
reactive systems. One of the goals of the project is to increase the
scope and efficiency of the generic modal reasoner CoLoSS.
We expect applicants to have experience in at least one of the following
Modal logic / description logic
Automatic reasoning
In the field of innovative software technologies, the German Research
Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is the leading research
institution in Germany, and in the international science community the
DFKI ranks among the most important “Centers of Excellence” worldwide.
The position is at the postdoctoral level; however, candidates without a
PhD can be considered in case of exceptional qualification. In this
case, the position offers the opportunity to work towards a PhD from the
University of Bremen. The initial employment contract will run for two
years. More information about the lab is available at
The DFKI is an equal opportunities employer. Women are especially
encouraged to apply. Handicapped applicants with equal qualification
will be given preferential treatment.
Applications should be sent to PD Dr. Lutz Schröder, DFKI,
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, 28359 Bremen, or via e-mail to
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC