From: Luís Caires <>
The Center of Informatics and Information Technology (CITI) at the
Department of Informatics of FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa welcomes
applications for one (1) post-doctoral scholarship position in the
areas of
programming languages and logic in computer science.
* DEADLINE 15 JUNE 08 **
The position is funded in the context of the CMU-Portugal research /
educational collaborative framework launched by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology and the Carnegie-Mellon
University (
The scholarship will start from middle 2008, and will be extensible up
to 4 years, renewable on a yearly basis.
The admin rules applicable may be found in the FCT/MCTES site in
The successful candidate will contribute for the development of the
ongoing research collaboration between CITI / DI FCT UNL and the
Carnegie Mellon Department of Computer Science on the general themes of
software foundations, involving the teams of Frank Pfenning at CMU and
our team at UNL. The main objective of the project is the development
of logical techniques and tools, based on substructural logics for
concurrency, for reasoning about general concurrent and distributed
systems. The project is also expected to seed the integration of
students in the Dual Degree PhD Program in Computer Science of the
ICTI/CMU-Portugal partnership.
We prefer applicants with strong interest and experience in some of
the following topics: foundations of programming languages,
programming language design, logics in computer science, concurrency
The hosting environment will be the Programming Languages Research
Stream of the CITI, with regular visits to CMU. More information
about the CITI research environment and its members may be found at
the website:
Applications should include a curriculum vitae in pdf format and
should be sent to
CITI - Centro de Informatica e Tecnologias da Informação
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Telephone: +351 212 948 536
Fax: +351 212 948 541
Please email me for any further questions about the position and
the related projects,
Best regards,
Luis Caires
General Info on CITI (
The CITI (Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação - Centre
for Informatics and Information Technologies ) is a research center
partially funded by the Portuguese National Science Foundation
(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) and by the Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT/UNL), Department of
Informatics, where it is hosted since its foundation in 1997.
CITI's research team is currently composed by more that 50
researchers, with a broad coverage of classical and emergent topics
ranging from theoretical foundations to applications, and is one of
the largest research units in Computer Science and Informatics in
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC