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Topic: [isabelle] Problem with Leopard and XEmacs

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:03):

From: Peter Chapman <>

I've recently obtained Leopard, and the new version of Isabelle, and
have got it all set up, except that when I type /usr/local/bin/
Isabelle, it opens up in an X11 window rather than in XEmacs (but
proof general is already pre-loaded). XEmacs seems to work fine if
you start it on its own; I've downloaded the version, via macports,
which is suggested on the Isabelle website. On my old computer, I
had used the fink installer, which installed xemacs in


whereas macports installs it in


So, after it didn't work, I created a symlink in /sw/bin, and then
recompiled proofgeneral (I didn't know if this was necessary, but it
didn't seem to harm anything; afterwards it all worked to the same
standard as before, i.e. without XEmacs). I then tried editing the
makefile that comes with ProofGeneral, but this was less than
successful. Does anyone know if there is a variable in one of the
various settings files that I can set so that my installation knows
where XEmacs is?



view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:03):

From: Francesco Librizzi <>
Hi Peter,
I'm new with Isabelle, and last Friday I tried to install it for the
first time.
To obtain the XEmacs interface, I type:


If I type only isabelle, it run the X11 window.
I hope that my aid works for you.


Il giorno 26/nov/07, alle ore 10:20, Peter Chapman ha scritto:

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:04):

From: Lawrence Paulson <>
I don't understand how you can be runnning PG without XEmacs. Do you
mean it is in GNU emacs in an XTerm window? I didn't know that was

Anyway, when I installed Leopard, I noticed that MacPorts software no
longer worked. The simplest way to update your MacPorts setup
(especially if you only want XEmacs) is to delete /opt, then install a
fresh copy of Macports, and finally install XEmacs by
sudo port install xemacs +mule +sumo
If you have an old copy of /sw lying around, definitely delete that
first. It can't be wise to use Fink and Macports at the same time.

Larry Paulson

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:04):

From: Lucas Dixon <>
Hash: SHA1

My last attempt to use Isabelle on a Mac (CVS snapshot of Isabelle, 2
weeks ago) resulted in me being happiest with Carbon Emacs (thanks to
David Aspinall for the suggestion), so I'd recommend that - it's a mac
native package, and you can install proof general for it easily (see
proof general webpage).

Don't know if other people have different experiences?


Lawrence Paulson wrote:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:04):

From: Nicole Rauch <>
Hello Lucas,

Does it support X-Symbol? There were some issues with X-Symbol not
being supported by some / all (?) of the native ports
(Aquamacs, ...), but I did not investigate too closely.



view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:04):

From: David Aspinall <>
Please see the PG Wiki for status/discussion:

Since writing that last year, the Stix fonts have been released (in
beta), and I've been shown how it it is possible to adjust character
baselines positions in GNU Emacs. So we are close to a good native
solution. I would welcome any help in getting there!

- David

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC