From: Tom Ridge <>
Dear All,
I am interested in substantial, state-of-the-art examples of program
verification. "Program" should be interpreted quite widely, e.g. so as
to include Gonthier's four-colour theorem work, and Harrison's HOL in
HOL work. "Verification" should also be loosely interpreted, to include
very weak properties such as e.g. absence of null-pointer dereference,
as well as strong properties such as functional correctness, liveness etc.
I would be very grateful if people could reply to this message with
their favourite examples.
I will attempt to set up a wikipedia page with the information so gleaned.
Many thanks
From: Gerwin Klein <>
Hi Tom,
this might be a bit late, but some such examples are
my PhD on Java Bytecode Verification
Tobias' and my work on Jinja
The NICTA L4.verified project (not yet completed):
Xavier Leroy's work on compiler verification:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC