From: Ondřej Kunčar <>
Hi Randy,
if you are interested in a total quotient, I guess the best example is a
definition of integers as a quotient of a pair of natural numbers. See
For a type copy, HOL/Library/Mapping.thy is indeed a classical example.
You might find the type copy used in HOL/Code_Numeral.thy easier.
From: Randy Pollack <>
I want to learn about the new lifting and transfer tools. Where can I
see simple examples of their use in the HOL development?
For a total quotient I looked at the classic example of Dlists (in
src/HOL/Quotient_Examples/DList.thy), but it seems to be using the old
quotient package.
For an (abstract) type copy I looked at src/HOL/Library/Mapping.thy,
but found it not completely simple due to the use of "option" in the
definition of map.
Thanks for any pointers,
From: Gottfried Barrow <>
I wouldn't know new lifting from old lifting, but for Isabelle2013-1,
FSet.thy was moved from src/HOL/Quotient_Examples to src/HOL/Library.
New work has been done on src/HOL/BNF, as I mention below, and lifting
is involved, so I'd guess it's new lifting.
The Isabelle2013 FSet.thy is shown in this folder:
The Isabelle2013-2 FSet.thy is in this folder:
You can see that "lift_definition" is used in the new one, whereas it's
not used in the old one.
FSet.thy, along with Library/Multiset.thy, are imported in More_BNFs:
Lifting is used now in Isabelle2013-2 BNF/Countable_Type.thy, where it
wasn't used in Isabelle2013.
I think the closest thing to a tutorial are the 2 papers by Kuncar and
Huffman. They're both titled "Lifting and Transfer: A Modular Design for
Quotients in Isabelle/HOL", but they're not exactly the same:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC