From: Joshua Bockenek <>
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but my advisor has
requested I send out a job posting for Isabelle people:
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral positions are available with the Systems
Software Research Group ( at Virginia Tech ( on DARPA-funded projects on program analysis and
verification. A particular focus of the positions is automated reasoning of
unintended, emergent program behaviors (e.g., weird machines) and verifying
their non-exploitability. Additional thrusts include verified decompilation
and verified recompilation.
PhD graduates in Computer Science/Engineering (or related fields) with a
background and publication record in verification, security, or program
analysis are sought. Background in theorem proving, program analysis
techniques, low-level system software including assembly code, ISA
semantics, and functional programming are highly desirable. The positions
have no teaching obligations.
Interested candidates are requested to contact Prof. Binoy Ravindran ( with a CV or for any questions.
Josh Bockenek
From: Yakoub Nemouchi <>
Dear Isabelle users,
Just a comment on that. This same group have refused to fund a publication
to Isabelle workshop-2018.
I am not sure why they use this mailing list now!
Also, the advertisement is similar to an anonymous post where no details or
link to the project exists.
I suggest to block such dummy advertisement.
Best wishes,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC