From: Julien Narboux <>
I am trying to test Isabelle /Sledgehammer on some examples expressed using the TPTP syntax for FOF.
On linux using Isabelle2016:
Isabelle2016/bin/isabelle tptp_isabelle 300 foo.p
Works and returns sometimes: SZS Status Theorem
Using Isabelle2018 or Isabelle2020, the same command just list the signature of some ml files ending with « structure ATP_Problem_Import: ATP_PROBLEM_IMPORT, but the provers do not seem to be run and I always get a SZS Status GaveUp.
What is the correct command for recent Isabelle versions ?
When the successful prover is not an Isabelle tactic, like vampire or spass, does that mean that the proof has been reconstructed successfully ? or the provers are considered as oracles ?
Is there a way to activate output of the readable proof in Isar format from the command line ?
I have seen another script called tptp_sledgehammer, what is the difference ?
Julien Narboux
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC