From: Ulrich Berger <>
Because of late advertisement of the final call for contributions,
the deadline for Russell'08 has been extended until Friday 7 March 2008.
Final call for contributed talks and participation
Proof Theory meets Type Theory
A "Small Workshop" of the European TYPES Project
Swansea, Wales, 15-16 March 2008
In 1908 the British Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell,
who was born and died in Wales, published the article "Mathematical
Logic as based on the Theory of Types" which contained a first matured
exposition of Type Theory. In the same year, Ernst Zermelo's
"Untersuchungen ueber die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre I" introduced the
basis of current axiomatic set theory as an alternative approach to
the foundations of Mathematics. A central theme of Proof Theory is to
compare these different foundations. Proof Theory uses as its main
tool ordinal notation systems, the basis of which was laid by Oswald
Veblen in his paper "Continuous Increasing Functions of Finite and
Transfinite Ordinals", again in 1908.
A century later, Proof Theory and Type Theory are flourishing more
than ever before, and their manifold interconnections are driving
important developments in Mathematics and Computer Science.
At this workshop we meet and discuss cutting edge research at the
interface of Proof Theory and Type Theory.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Proof Theory of Type Theory
- Relationship between Type Theory and Set Theory
- Program extraction from proofs
- Normalisation and Cut-elimination
- New approaches to ordinal analysis
- Universes and reflection principles
- Equality in Type Theory
- Philosophical and historical aspects
of Proof Theory and Type Theory
Invited Speakers:
Erik Palmgren
Wolfram Pohlers
Michael Rathjen
Participation and Contributed Talks:
Please send an email to Anton Setzer (
as soon as possible, but no later than the 7 March 2008.
We will need an abstract as well, which will be published on the
web site.
There will be a fee (20 £) for coffee breaks and other expenses
related to this workshop.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC