From: Andrei Popescu <>
Dear all,
This is a less gentle reminder that the second edition of S-REPLS is this Friday at the Middlesex University in London.
The talk titles and abstracts are now available online at
The meeting will take place in the historic Margaret Thatcher room in the Hendon Town Hall, which might be of interest at least to the supporters of
John Major equality. Unfortunately, in spite of our excellent speakers and their interesting programming language topics, this high-capacity room will be
half empty, hence the desperation. Registration is still open (and free).
All the best,
South of England Regional Programming Language Seminar (S-REPLS)
(Second Meeting)
Friday, 20th November 2015
Middlesex University, Hendon, London NW4 4BT
S-REPLS is a new and informal meeting for those with a professional interest in programming languages-whether it be academic or commercial-in the South of England region. The highly successful inaugural S-REPLS meeting was held on Thursday, 30th April at Wolfson College, Cambridge.
We are delighted to have Nick Benton (Microsoft Research), Paul Kelly (Imperial College London), Sam Staton (Oxford) and Phil Wadler (Edinburgh) as confirmed invited speakers. In addition, we will have two contributed talks from excellent speakers.
The event is hosted by the Foundations of Computing group at Middlesex University. The meeting will start around 12 noon and finish by 6 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
There will be no charge for the event, although we would appreciate prior notice of attendance for catering purposes. Please email if you plan to attend.
For the latest news, more information on the meeting, as well as a full programme of talks, please see
We encourage everybody interested in this or future meetings to sign up to the S-REPLS mailing list. To subscribe, visit:
Jaap Boender, Raja Nagarajan and Andrei Popescu
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Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC