From: Marieke Huisman <>
[Please excuse for multiple posts]
Call for Papers
Workshop at ESEC/FSE 2009, August 25, 2009
The sixth workshop on specification and verification of component-based
systems is affiliated with ESEC/FSE 2009 and will be held in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, August 25, 2009. Eight page papers are due May 15,
2009. Details on paper submission follow the general description of the
workshop below.
Theme and Topics of Interest
SAVCBS is focused on using formal (i.e., mathematical) techniques to
establish a foundation for the specification and verification of
component-based systems. Specification techniques are urgently needed
to support effective reasoning about systems composed from components.
Component-based approaches also underscore the need for scaling advanced
verification techniques such as extended static analysis and model
checking to the size of real systems. The workshop will consider
formalization of both functional and non-functional behavior (such as
performance or reliability). Suggested research topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):
* Techniques for component-based verification or reasoning
* Component-based specification languages
* Static analysis of components and component compositions
* Verification-oriented design methodologies for components
* Dynamic checking techniques, including run-time assertion or
property checking
* Specification and verification of non-functional component
behavior (performance, memory, concurrency, etc.)
* Unifying formal descriptions of concurrency properties with
model-based behavioral descriptions of components
* Balancing tradeoffs (automatic/manual verification,
soundness/completeness, static/dynamic verification,
testing/formal verification, scalability/coverage, etc.)
* Theories of component composition
* Industrial experience, such as adoption issues, with formal
techniques for component-based systems
* Case studies of applying formal techniques to component based systems
* Educational experience or tactics for formal approaches to
component-based systems
Submissions should outline the current state of research or practice,
describe the most pressing shortcomings, and formulate goals for future
Challenge Problem
One session during the workshop will be devoted to presenting solutions
(full or partial) to a challenge problem. This problem will present
features that pose difficulties for current specification technologies.
The session will be open both to presenters as well as participants of
the workshop. Details on the challenge problem will be posted at Solutions should
illustrate innovative features of specification or verification as they
pertain to this particular problem.
Submissions must not exceed 8 pages. We encourage, but do not require,
use of the ACM Conference format. We also suggest that you add page
numbers to your submission, to make adding comments easier. Papers will
be accepted in PDF or Postscript formats. Papers may be submitted
on-line at . We are
considering to invite best papers for submission to a journal special issue.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2009
Notification date: June 10, 2009
Final versions: June 20, 2009
See for more details.
Workshop Program Committee:
Marieke Huisman - University of Twente, Netherlands (chair)
Jonathan Aldrich - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marsha Chechik - University of Toronto, Canada
Jens Chr. Godskesen - IT University, Denmark
Alex Groce - Nasa JPL, USA
Dilian Gurov- KTH, Sweden
Barbara Jobstmann - EPFL, Switzerland
Florian Kammüller - Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Joe Kiniry - University College Dublin, Ireland
Darko Marinov - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Peter Müller - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
John Penix - Google, USA
Koushik Sen - University of California, Berkeley, USA
Natasha Sharygina - University of Lugano, Switzerland/Carnegie Mellon
University, USA
Murali Sitaraman - Clemson University , USA
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC