From: Lars Noschinski <>
to test the autocorres tool[1], which is not yet available for Isabelle
2012, I downloaded the Isabelle 2011-1 release and the latest AFP
release for 2011-1 (afp-2011-11-27.tar.gz).
However, building the Simpl image from this release fails: First, due to
missing recdef (which is easily solved by importing the Old_Recdef
theory), then due to some missing constant:
*** Theory loader: failed to load "Simpl" (unresolved "VcgEx", "XVcgEx",
"VcgExSP", "ClosureEx", "ComposeEx", "ProcParEx", "Quicksort",
"UserGuide", "SyntaxTest", "VcgExTotal", "ProcParExSP")
*** Unknown constant: "Complete_Lattice.SUPR" (line 134 of
*** At command "use" (line 36 of
Exception- TOPLEVEL_ERROR raised
*** ML error
make: ***
Fehler 1
So it seems this AFP release is not the right one for 2011-1, but this
holds also for afp-2011-04-01.tar.gz -- so is there anywhere an AFP
release, which works with Isabelle 2011-1 out-of-the-box?
-- Lars
From: Lars Noschinski <>
I now looked at the AFP repository. The version there tagged with
Isabelle2011-1 is a lot newer (despite dating from 2011-10-10) then
afp-2011-11-27.tar.gz, which is refered to on [1] as the release for
Isabelle 2011-1. More importantly, it works.
Can we fix the AFP webpage to point to a correct version of the AFP for
From: Gerwin Klein <>
Hi Lars,
thanks for spotting that. Looks like something went wrong in my AFP release update back then.
Will take care of it.
From: Gerwin Klein <>
I had embarrassingly just forgotten to update the SF download system, so it was still pointing to the Isabelle2011 version in Isabelle2011-1
The direct link on has been working, which was the main thing I had tested.
The link on the download system should now work as well. Sorry for the confusion.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC