From: John Ridgway <>
I have a problem with simplification in Isabelle/Isar with HOL.
Specifically, given the following, the attempt to apply(simp) goes
into never-never-land. Can anyone explain to me why, or tell me how
to fix it?
theory temp = Main:
fib :: "(nat * nat) set";
inductive fib
"(0, 1) : fib"
"(1, 1) : fib"
"[| (n, fn) : fib; (n+1, fnp1) : fib |] ==> (n+2, fn+fnp1) : fib";
lemma temp: "
(n, fn) : fib;
! fn'.
((n, fn') : fib -->
fn' = fn);
fn2 = fn + 1
epsilon2 = epsilon_90";
From: Alexander Krauss <>
Specifically, given the following, the attempt to apply(simp) goes into
never-never-land. Can anyone explain to me why, or tell me how to fix it?
lemma temp: "
(n, fn) : fib;
! fn'.
((n, fn') : fib -->
fn' = fn);
fn2 = fn + 1
epsilon2 = epsilon_90";apply(simp);
From the trace, it seems that the following happens:
Premise 2 is turned around (probably in order not to match
everything), resulting in the conditional rewrite rule
"(n, ?fn') : fib ==> fn == ?fn'"
That rule matches the "fn" in premise 3, and since premise 1 matches
the condition, "?fn'" is instantiated to "fn", hence "fn" gets rewritten
to itself, which is then repeated.
To avoid this situation, you can either change your theorem statement,
or use one of the modifiers "no_asm", "no_asm_use" or "no_asm_simp".
They are explained in Section 3.1.5. in the tutorial.
Hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC