From: Makarius <>
Special issue on Programming Languages and Mechanized Mathematics Systems
Journal of Automated Reasoning
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This special issue is focused on the intersection of programming
languages (PL) and mechanized mathematics systems (MMS). The latter
category subsumes present-day computer algebra systems (CAS),
interactive proof assistants (PA), and automated theorem provers (ATP),
all heading towards fully integrated mechanized mathematical assistants
that are expected to emerge eventually.
The two subjects of PL and MMS meet in many interesting ways, in
particular in the following main topics of this journal issue.
* Dedicated input languages for MMS: covers all aspects of languages
intended for the user to deploy or extend the system, both
algorithmic and declarative ones. Typical examples are tactic
definition languages such as Ltac in Coq, mathematical proof
languages as in Mizar or Isar, or specialized programming languages
built into CA systems. Of particular interest are the semantics of
those languages, especially when current ones are untyped.
* Mathematical modeling languages used for programming: covers the
relation of logical descriptions vs. algorithmic content. For
instance the logic of ACL2 extends a version of Lisp, that of Coq
is close to Haskell, and some portions of HOL are similar to ML and
Haskell, while Maple tries to do both simultaneously. Such
mathematical languages offer rich specification capabilities, which
are rarely available in regular programming languages. How can
programming benefit from mathematical concepts, without limiting
mathematics to the computational worldview?
* Programming languages with mathematical specifications: covers
advanced "mathematical" concepts in programming languages that
improve the expressive power of functional specifications, type
systems, module systems etc. Programming languages with dependent
types are of particular interest here, as is intensionality vs
* Language elements for program verification: covers specific means
built into a language to facilitate correctness proofs using MMS.
For example, logical annotations within programs may be turned into
verification conditions to be solved in a proof assistant
eventually. How need MMS and PL to be improved to make this work
conveniently and in a mathematically appealing way?
These topics have been addressed in the PLMMS 2007 and PLMMS 2008 workshops
(associated with Calculemus While the
journal issue emerges from that community, submission is open to
everyone interested in any of these topics!
Manuscripts should not have been previously published in archival
journals nor have been submitted to, or be in consideration for, any
journal or conference. Significantly revised and enhanced papers
published in workshop or conference proceedings are welcome. All
submissions will be reviewed according to scholarly standards for
scientific journal publications. See also the general JAR submission
We suggest a page limit of approximately 25 pages, using the LaTeX
provided by Springer. Instead of using the Springer online
submission system, please submit papers in PDF through EasyChair
Important dates
* Submission deadline: 10th November 2008.
* Notification: January 16th 2009.
* Final versions: March 30th 2009.
Editors of the special issue
* Jacques Carette (McMaster University, Canada)
* Makarius Wenzel (Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany)
* Freek Wiedijk (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC