From: Peter Lammich <>
From the NEWS file (Isabelle2014)
Unfortunately, this seems not to work in Isabelle2018, and I cannot
find a NEWS entry that this had been discontinued.
e.g. in Isabelle 2018:
term ‹''a''›
*** OK
term ‹"a"›
*** Inner syntax error⌂
Failed to parse term
Do I misunderstand this news entry? Or has this feature (silently)
disappeared again?
From: Peter Lammich <>
I just realized that the actual translation of string literals is, of
course, HOL-specific.
The "..." syntax for string literals is actually hidden in
Should we include this to HOL/Main by default? Or make this easy to
activate, e.g., by importing some theory HOL-Library.String_Quotes?
Or have I, again, missed something and it is already there?
From: Makarius <>
The inner token language is there, but not used/usable in regular
Isabelle/HOL applications. It requires a general move away from "..." as
delimiter from outer vs. inner syntax, always using cartouches here.
Not much has happened in recent years with such pending reforms:
presently I am trying to get rid of obsolete {* ... *} syntax -- I am
surprised how many users still have that in new theories.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC