From: Kawin Worrasangasilpa <>
I am proving results in Isabelle/HOL in which they need the use
of Supermartingale and Azuma–Hoeffding inequality. I have been trying to
search for existing theorems containing them or ways to formalise them but,
unfortunately, have not yet found any. If there anyone who knows where I
should start or an ongoing/published (or unpublished) work regarding these
two, if it is the case, please help me.
From: Johannes Hölzl <>
Dear Kawin,
there is not yet much theory on Martingales. There is the definition
and some theorems (closure under addition) in AFP-DiscretePricing, but
nothing about super-martingales. Unfortunately, we even have two
theories of filtrations:
I'm not aware of any work on these inequalities.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC