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Topic: [isabelle] Syntax and inductive_set

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:22):

From: Tom Ridge <>
Dear All,

I am trying to move old inductive set defns to Isa07 inductive_sets. I
need to include syntax translations, e.g.

"_reduce" :: "t => t => bool" ("_ ---> _" 50)

"(t1 ---> t2)" \<rightleftharpoons> " ( t1 , t2 ) : reduce"

(** definitions *)
(*defns Jop *)
inductive_set reduce :: "(t*t) set"

(* defn reduce *)

ax_appI: "[|is_v_of_t v2|] ==>
(( (\<lambda> x . t12) \<bullet>v2) ---> ( tsubst_t v2 x t12 ) )"

| ctx_app_funI: "[|(t1 ---> t1')|] ==>
((t1\<bullet>t) ---> (t1'\<bullet>t))"

| ctx_app_argI: "[|is_v_of_t v ;
(t1 ---> t1')|] ==>
((v\<bullet>t1) ---> (v\<bullet>t1'))"

But this is not currently accepted by Isabelle07. How can I define
reduce, but introduce syntax _ ---> _ for it at the same time?



view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 11:22):

From: Stefan Berghofer <>
Tom Ridge wrote:
Dear Tom,

by using inductive instead of inductive_set, you can directly define
reduce without any syntax translations:

inductive reduce :: "t => t => bool" ("_ ---> _" 50)

If for whatever reason your theory depends on reduce being a set, note that
inductive_set as well as inductive allow translations and introduction
rules to be specified simultaneosly, i.e. you can write something like

reduce :: "(t * t) set"
and reduce' :: "t => t => bool" ("_ ---> _" 50)
"(t1 ---> t2) \<equiv> (t1, t2) : reduce"
| ...

There is also a quite lengthy section in the NEWS file entitled "New package
for inductive predicates" that describes how to port your inductive definitions
to the new format.


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC