From: Chantal Keller <>
[Please accept our apologies for duplicates.]
Call for Participation
13th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2019)
Porto (Portugal), October 9-11, 2019
Part of the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods
About TAP
The TAP conference promotes research in verification and formal
methods that targets the interplay of proofs and testing:
the advancement of techniques of each kind and their combination,
with the ultimate goal of improving software and system dependability.
Research in verification has recently seen a steady convergence of
heterogeneous techniques and a synergy between the traditionally
distinct areas of testing (and dynamic analysis) and of proving (and
static analysis). Formal techniques for counter-example generation
based on, for example, symbolic execution, SAT/SMT-solving or
model checking, furnish evidence for the potential of a combination of
test and proof. The combination of predicate abstraction with testing-like
techniques based on exhaustive enumeration opens the perspective
for novel techniques of proving correctness. On the practical side,
testing offers cost-effective debugging techniques of specifications
or crucial parts of program proofs (such as invariants). Last but not
least, testing is indispensable when it comes to the validation of the
underlying assumptions of complex system models involving
hardware or system environments. Over the years, there is
growing acceptance in research communities that testing and proving
are complementary rather than mutually exclusive techniques.
The TAP conference aims to promote research in the intersection of
testing and proving by bringing together researchers and practitioners
from both areas of verification.
"Extracting Unverified Program Parts from Software Verification Runs"
by Heike Wehrheim (Paderborn University, Germany)
Invited tutorial
"RoboStar technology - Testing in Robotics Using Process Algebra"
by Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Contributed papers
See the conference program at:
Registration is shared for all FM events:
Early registration is until September 10, 2019.
See the FM webpage at:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC