From: Moa Johansson <>
Call for participation:
The Second Workshop on Inductive Theorem Proving 20-21 March 2015,
Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Inductive theorem proving is a topic of growing interest in the
automated reasoning community. Following our successful first
workshop in London 2013, we would like to invite you to a second
workshop on inductive theorem proving. The workshop will be very
informal and aims to give researchers interested in the topic a
chance to meet, exchange ideas and perhaps also try out some of the
available theorem provers. We would like to invite talks featuring
demos and tutorials of inductive theorem provers, challenge
problems, new directions of research or anything else of interest to
the inductive theorem proving community.
The workshop will be free of charge but please register by 1 March
by filling in the registration form here:
If you want to contribute a talk or demo, please submit a title and
a short abstract when you register.
The workshop will take place on Friday 20 March - Saturday 21 March
at Chalmersvillan, Gibraltargatan 1A, Gothenburg
(for map see webpage).
The preliminary schedule is as follows:
Web page:
If you have any questions please contact Moa Johansson
(<>) or Nick Smallbone (<>).
Hope to see you in Gothenburg!
The HipSpec crew
(Moa Johansson, Dan Rosén, Nick Smallbone, Koen Claessen)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC