From: Gottfried Barrow <>
This is a continuation of this thread: "[isabelle] Trouble loading
theories on windows":
It's not specific to Isabelle2013-1, but I go ahead and associate it
with Isabelle2013-1-RC3.
The suggestions are to save and reload the theory, but that doesn't work
for me when I use this:
theory c
imports Complex_Main "~~/src/HOL/Library/Fset"
The file Fset.thy gets loaded into jEdit, but I still get this error:
Bad theory (file "E:\E_2\binp\Isabelle2013-1-RC3\src\HOL\Library\Fset.thy")
So, I use a relative path:
theory c
imports Complex_Main
The file Fset.thy gets loaded, I get no errors, and I don't have to do
anything special.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC