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Topic: [isabelle] Two PhD positions in theoretical computer science

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 14:29):

From: "Marcello M. Bonsangue" <>
Vacancies for PhD positions in theoretical computer science

Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) of Leiden
University and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam are
looking for two PhD students for working in the NWO funded research

CoRE: Coinductive Calculi of Regular Expressions

The purpose of the project is to use the theory of coalgebras and
Kleene algebras for automatic reasoning and verification of
quantitative and probabilistic systems, interactive systems and
advanced functional programs.

We are looking for excellent candidates with a background (Master
degree) in mathematics, computer science or a related degree and who have
strong interest in the mathematical foundations of computer

Conditions of employment

There are two PhD positions available. One candidate will be employed at
LIACS in the Foundations of Software Technology (FAST) group. The other
will be employed at CWI in the Coordination Languages group
(SEN3) in the sub-group `Coalgebraic Models of Computation' led by Prof.
Jan Rutten. Both groups provide a dynamic and productive work environment,
are in close collaboration with each other and are
involved in several national and international research projects.
Both PhD candidates will be appointed for a period of four years and will
receive salary based on a full-time employment. The salary and labour
agreements are in accordance with the CAO for Dutch
universities and research institutes.

How to Apply?

You are invited to send your application letter together with a
curriculum vitae (including a list of master courses), an abstract of your
master thesis or a list of publications, and the names and contact
addresses of two potential referees. Please send your application before
1 March 2010 to:

Marcello Bonsangue <> and
Milad Niqui <>

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC