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* * * UNIF'06 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS * * * * Deadline: May 29, 2006 * * * *********
20th Int. Workshop on Unification
A satellite workshop of RTA'6 and FLoC'06
The Seattle Sheraton Hotel and Towers
Seattle, WA, USA
August 11, 2006
UNIF is the main international meeting on unification. Unification is
concerned with the problem of identifying given terms, either
syntactically or modulo a given logical theory. Syntactic unification
is the basic operation of most automated reasoning systems, and
unification modulo theories can be used, for instance, to build in
special equational theories into theorem provers.
The aim of UNIF 2006, as that of the previous meetings, is to to bring
together people interested in unification, present recent (even
unfinished) work, and discuss new ideas and trends in unification and
related fields. This includes scientific presentations, but also
descriptions of applications and softwares using unification as a
strong component.
In 2006, UNIF has been organized as part of the 2006 Federated Logic
Conference (FLoC 2006).
This workshop is the twentieth in the series: UNIF'87 (Val D'Ajol,
France), UNIF'88 (Val D'Ajol, France), UNIF'89 (Lambrecht, Germany),
UNIF'90 (Leeds, England), UNIF'91 (Barbizon, France), UNIF'92
(Dagstuhl, Germany), UNIF'93 (Boston, USA), UNIF'94 (Val D'Ajol,
France), UNIF'95 (Sitges, Spain), UNIF'96 (Herrsching, Germany),
UNIF'97 (Orl%/1iso8859-15ans, France), UNIF'98 (Rome, Italy),
UNIF'99 (Frankfurt, Germany), UNIF'00 (Pittsburgh, USA), UNIF'01
(Siena, Italy), UNIF'02 (Copenhagen, Denmark). UNIF'03 (Valencia,
Spain). UNIF'04 (Cork, Ireland). UNIF'05 (Nara, Japan).
Topics of Interest:
The meeting will include invited talks, contributed talks, and social
time to discuss current topics of interest, which include (but are not
limited to):
* Unification
o E-unification
o Unification Algorithms
o Higher-Order Unification
o String Unification
o Context Unification
o Nominal Unification
o Combination problems
o Disunification
o Typed Unification
* Related Topics
o Constraint Solving
o Tree Descriptions
o Matching
o Narrowing
* Applications
o Type Checking and Type Inference
o Automated Deduction
o Rewriting
o Functional and Logic Programming
o Grammars
o Computational Linguistics
* Implementations
Important Dates:
May 29, 2006 Deadline for submission of papers,
abstracts and system descriptions
June 19, 2006 Notification of acceptance
July 17, 2006 Camera-ready papers
August 11 , 2006 Workshop
Program Committee:
Temur Kutsia Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Linz, Austria
Jordi Levy (chair) Institut d'Investigaci en Intel.ligncia Artificial (IIIA)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC),
Barcelona, Spain
Christian Urban Mathematisches Institut der LMU
Munchen, Germany
Mateu Villaret Dept. Informtica i Matemtica Aplicada (IMA)
Universitat de Girona (UdG), Girona, Spain
Authors are invited to submit via email an abstract (1-5 pages), a
paper (no longer than 15 pages), or a system description (no more than
5 pages) in Postscript or PDF format using the UNIF'06 submission
page, handled by the EasyChair conference system:
Authors have been encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs
class files. Publication Informal proceedings of accepted
contributions will be available on-line. A hard copy will be
distributed at the workshop to registered participants.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC