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Topic: [isabelle] Update on I3P

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:24):

From: Holger Gast <>
Dear Isabelle users,

I'm happy to announce release 1.0.2 of I3P,
the Interactive Interface for the Isabelle Prover.

The new version is available from

It supports both the Isabelle2009-2 release
and Windows/Cygwin installations.

Those who are already using I3P can just employ
the Tools/Plugins dialog to download the updated modules.

I'd like to thank all users who have given me
feedback on the first version. I hope that the
changes made based on the suggestions about usability
are as expected.



view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:40):

From: Joachim Breitner <>
Hi Holger,

three quick remarks:


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:40):

From: Makarius <>
The font should be OK. You can test it as follows:

Isabelle2009-2/bin/isabelle jedit Isabelle2009-2/etc/symbols

Assuming that this file has been loaded with the encoding
"UTF-8-Isabelle", which is the default configuration here, you will see
the decoded version of the standard symbol encoding table of the Isabelle
system. Users can add further symbols in $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/symbols

There is a fairly straight-forward Isabelle/Scala interface to use this
information in JVM-based applications, but I3P still ignores that,
shipping its own (faulty) tables instead.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:41):

From: Holger Gast <>
Hi Joachim,

Thanks for pointing this out; these issues are fixed.

Also, I have taken the opportunity to add to the theory editor
an auto-completion box which pops up when you start typing a symbol
name with \<... and can also be triggered as usual by Ctrl-space.

Those who have already installed I3P, just use "check for updates".

Thanks to Makarius for pointing out that there is an official stable
mapping from symbol encodings to Unicode characters.

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:41):

From: Holger Gast <>
Dear Makarius,

For me as a possible user, the current form in which this
functionality is available is not very attractive. I hope that the
following feedback on how a user might approach the library helps
in improving the experience for others.

It may be that my procedure was not the expert one, but this is
not the point; what I would like to convey is some feedback on how
users might approach the library.

Also, from a prospective library user's point of view, two
rather minimal improvements would be most helpful
(I formulate them as suggestions, for brevity):

Again: the remarks are to reflect a user's perspective.
I hope that they will help to make the emerging Scala layer
more attractive from the technical side, since certainly the
idea of _having_ a well-defined API for interacting with the
Isabelle system already is very attractive.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:42):

From: Makarius <>
On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Holger Gast wrote:

Did you attend my recent tutorial on Isabelle System programming at
Cambridge? The transscript
gives you a practical overview of the main entry points.

I have also explained the importance of Isabelle_System and its many basic
services like symbols more than once in private.

Isabelle_System is really the very foundation of anything built on top of
the Isabelle environment. Without that you can hardly do anything useful.

Historically, Isabelle_System used to be implicit in the process
environment of Isabelle tools, later I made it an explicit object, only to
figure out further on that only one instance will really work within a
given JVM process. The reason for that are certain "globalities" of the
JVM itself, i.e. consider low-level character encodings or input methods
(both are not yet implemented). The registering of Swing fonts is another
once-and-for-all thing, and it is implemented right now to spare users
going through the pain of installing fonts manually on the system.

You cannot easily juggle various Isabelle system installations without
disintegrating the Isabelle platform and reassembling it differently,
loosing overall hull integrity in the process.

And this is what makes the library useless for me:
I simply cannot display the raw xsymbol notation until the user
has selected the Isabelle installation. User's won't accept it.

This merely indicates that the present I3P architecture does not fit to
Isabelle as of 2009 or later.

For instance, the font support from Isabelle_System is not really
tied to a particular installation.

It is, because you cannot even read files in a robust (and platform
independent manner) without Isabelle_System being around. These
fundamental system integrity structures are very delicate, and I've spent
a long time to make them work robustly, while minimizing assumptions

As is, incidentally, the idea of the facade pattern.

Why is a foundational concept like Isbelle_System called "facade" here?
Very strange.

It is important to understand that Isabelle/Scala is our way to reach out
to the JVM platform. Just because some other languages happen to live on
the same JVM runtime environment does not mean that we take over their
worldview -- neither that of Java, nor that of Clojure etc.

Compare this to Isabelle/ML: it is based on the Poly/ML runtime system,
which is itself implemented in C++ and runs native machine code generated
from ML. Nobody would start thinking in terms of C++ / assembly language
in Isabelle/ML, of course.

Isabelle/Scala is about transferring established Isabelle/ML traditions as
closely as possible, while honoring the intrisic virtues of the Scala/JVM
platform -- e.g. using Scala actors, which do not have a counter part on
the ML side. You will have a hard time understanding Isabelle/Scala with
a Java mindset.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:42):

From: Alexander Krauss <>
Hi Holger,

I simply cannot display the raw xsymbol notation until the user
has selected the Isabelle installation. User's won't accept it.

I would happily accept such a minor limitation. We are used to quite
other things. Most users won't even notice, assuming that the Isabelle
installation is selected as part of some installation process.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:43):

From: Holger Gast <>

For instance, the font support from Isabelle_System is not really
tied to a particular installation.

It is, because you cannot even read files in a robust (and platform
independent manner) without Isabelle_System being around. These
fundamental system integrity structures are very delicate, and I've
spent a long time to make them work robustly, while minimizing
assumptions routinely.
I understand from this that the Scala layer will not support my use case.
I have therefore simply developed the standalone module that I suggested.
Since others may find it useful in building xsymbol-based interfaces
(it is independent of I3P), it is available here:

It only makes use of standard Java library mechanisms and should
therefore run anywhere. (Of course, I also tested it under
Linux, Windows, and MacOS.) As I proposed, demo code and test cases
showing the basic supported use scenarios are included in the files.

The development has a nice side-effect:
Users of I3P do not have to install & configure fonts anymore.

Did you attend my recent tutorial on Isabelle System programming at
Cambridge? The transscript
gives you a practical overview of the main entry points.
Thank you for mentioning this, because it illustrates very well what I
wanted to point out about documentation from a user's perspective:
that workshop was attended by around 25 people, most of whom were in fact
not interested in user interfaces, but in the prover. Anybody who did
not happen to be at the meeting would have to guess that the
font-related functionality is there and find the information by googling
"Scala Isabelle fonts" (The NEWS file comes up 4th, the tutorial is 7th.)

My point is that the Scala library would be used much more widely, and
that the substantial and in-depth work that it represents would be
recognized more generally, if its use was simpler. In particular,
to be effective, documentation needs to be placed where users are looking
for it. The canonical place is, of course, the standard output of
the scaladoc tool. (The raw .html files with the signatures are already there.)
Writing the basic documentation for a class takes the developer
about 10-15min (compare this to the development time for the code).
Retrieving the same information from different slides, tutorials, papers and
NEWS files takes each (!) user at least 20-30min, provided
they suspect its existance. It is clear that providing the documentation
beforehand makes the overall use of the library much more effective.

Anyway, I think we should discontinue this thread on the mailing list,
since it does not seem to lead to further results.
I am, of course, always available for offline technical discussions.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC