From: Peter Chapman <>
I wish to use a different symbol (from stmaryrd.sty) to replace the
multiset notation
{# #}
when I build a theory file to output a pdf. However, I only want to
do this in the final LaTeXed version of the file. How do I go about
telling the isatool-LaTeX compiler to interpret
{# as \Lbag
#} as \Rbag?
I'd also like to specify
{#} as \emptyset or \Lbag \Rbag
but I don't know if this last one would cause problems owing to an
overlap with the first one.
I've looked through the document mark-up section, but the method of
addressing the problem there was by redefining the syntax in
Isabelle. I don't really want to do this, unless it is necessary.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC