From: Stephan Merz <>
Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications
A summer school on verification technology, systems and applications
will be organized by the INRIA research center in Nancy, in cooperation
with the Max-Planck Institute für Informatik in Saarbrücken and the
University of Luxemburg. The school will take place during the week of
October 12, 2009 in Nancy, France.
The following speakers have accepted to give courses:
Daniel Le Berre: SAT and related technologies from a practitioner's
Patricia Bouyer: On the verification and control of timed systems
Leonardo de Moura: On Designing and Implementing Satisfiability Modulo
Theory Solvers
Stephan Schulz: Implementation of First-Order Theorem Provers
Benjamin Werner: Coq proofs -- the case of prime numbers
Participation is free (except for travel and accomodation costs) and
open to anybody holding at least a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in
computer science. Basic knowledge of propositional and first-order logic
is assumed. The number of participants is limited. Please apply
electronically by August 30, 2009 by sending
an application letter explaining your interest in the school and your
experience in the area,
a copy of your bachelor certificate (or equivalent or higher)
For details please see the Web page of the school.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC