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Topic: [isabelle] Vacancies for PhD students and PostDocs

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 14:30):

From: Barbara Sprick <>
Vacancies for PhD and PostDoc Positions in Theoretical CS

The Technische Universität Darmstadt is one of Germany's top technical
universities with an outstanding nation-wide and international
reputation in research and education. The chair Modeling and Analysis
of Information Systems (brief: MAIS, chair holder: Prof. Dr. Heiko
Mantel) was founded in 2007 as part of Theoretical Computer Science.
Currently, the MAIS group is offering

Positions for PhD-Students and PostDocs
(Doktoranden- und PostDocstellen)

Our goal is to make information systems more trustworthy (i.e., correct,
safe, and secure) than they are today. As software engineering is a
complex and error-prone task, we see the need for applying formal
methods for reasoning about information systems and critical system
Our activities include the advancement of theoretical
foundations, the development of methods and tools, and the application
of our ideas in practice. In this context, we are looking for applicants
who are interested in formal approaches for information security, in
particular in any of the following areas: information flow security,
static and dynamic program analysis and foundations of stepwise software
As a suitable candidate, you hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) in
Computer Science or Mathematics. For all our research topics, a solid
background in formal methods or logic is required.

More information about the positions is available at
In case of further questions, please contact us by email:

Deadline for applications is the 15th of February 2010. However, we will
consider applications until the position is filled.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC