From: Markus <>
Call For Papers WADT 2020
Dublin, Ireland, 25.-26. April 2020
Co-located with ETAPS 2020
Submission link:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 14.2.2020
Notification: 24.2.2020
The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many
aspects of the formal design of software systems. Originally born as a
formal method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now covers
new specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as
object-oriented, aspect oriented, agent-oriented, logic and
higher-order functional programming) as well as a wide range of
application areas (including information systems, concurrent,
distributed and mobile systems). The workshop will provide an
opportunity to present recent and ongoing work, to meet colleagues,
and to discuss new ideas and future trends.
The workshop takes place under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.3.
WADT 2020 will have three thematic streams and one general stream:
Graph Transformation – chair: Andrea Corradini, Italy
System Modelling – chair: Alexander Knapp, Germany
Deductive Software Verification – chair: Marieke Huismanm, The Netherlands
General Stream - chair: Markus Roggenbach, UK
The graph transformation stream seeks contributions addressing
theoretical, application oriented or tool related aspects of graph
transformation, or any combination of them. Here is a non-exclusive
list of topics:
Applications to software engineering, including software architectures, refactoring,
business processes, access control and service-orientation
Applications to computing paradigms such as bio-inspired, string diagrams, quantum, ubiquitous, and visual computing
The system modelling stream seeks contributions in the (co-)algebraic
and model-based tradition of system specification and verification,
for which typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
The deductive software verification stream seeks contributions
addressing theoretical or tool-related contributions in the area of
deductive software verification. Also experience reports are
welcome. Here is a non-exclusive list of topics:
Advancing deductive software verification techniques to new programming languages,
or different programming paradigms
Automating deductive software verification
This stream will be scheduled in such a way that there will be no overlap with the VerifyThis workshop at Etaps 2020.
Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest for the general stream are:
Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and
models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems
Specification languages, methods, and environments
The scientific programme of the workshop will include presentations of
recent results and ongoing research. The presentations will be
selected by the relevant PC Chair on the basis of submitted abstracts
according to originality, significance and general interest. The
abstracts must be up to two pages long including references. If a
longer version of the contribution is available, it can be made
accessible on the web and referenced in the abstract.
The abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair
system using the following link:
After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit full papers for
the refereed post-proceedings. All submissions will be reviewed by the
WADT 2020 PC (TBA); selection will be based on originality, soundness and
significance of the presented ideas and results. The proceedings are
likely to be published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) by Springer. The deadline for submissions will be
19.5.2020 , with notifications of acceptance by
26.6.2020. Camera-ready versions will be required by 17.7.2020.
Andrea Corradini (Italy)
José Fiadeiro (UK)
Rolf Hennicker (Germany)
Alexander Knapp (Germany)
Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Germany)
Till Mossakowski (Germany)
Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Leila Ribeiro (Brazil)
Markus Roggenbach (UK) [Chair]
Grigore Roșu (United States)
14.2.2020 Abstract Submission
24.2.2020 Notification
3.4.2020 Camera Ready Abstract
25.4.2020 & 26.4.2020 Workshop
19.5.2020 Submission deadline for full papers
26.6.2020 Notification on full papers
17.7.2020 Camera ready final version of the papers
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC