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Topic: [isabelle] What causes the huge build time difference in ...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 11:49):

From: "C. Diekmann" <>
Dear list,

I have an Isabelle project that runs some tests on large data sets
during build time. The tests are all executed with value[code]. I
observed a huge increase in build time for a certain commit. What is
causing this huge difference? Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this
issue outside of my project. Code below.

The code that is shared by the two versions:
fun extract_IPSets_generic0 :: "(simple_match ⇒ 32 word × nat) ⇒
simple_rule list ⇒ (32 wordinterval) list" where
"extract_IPSets_generic0 _ [] = []" |
"extract_IPSets_generic0 sel ((SimpleRule m _)#ss) =
(ipv4_cidr_tuple_to_interval (sel m)) #

(extract_IPSets_generic0 sel ss)"

fun extract_src_dst_ips :: "simple_rule list ⇒ (32 wordinterval) list
⇒ (32 wordinterval) list" where
"extract_src_dst_ips [] ts = ts" |
"extract_src_dst_ips ((SimpleRule m _)#ss) ts = extract_src_dst_ips ss

((ipv4_cidr_tuple_to_interval (src m)) #

((ipv4_cidr_tuple_to_interval (dst m))#ts))"

Version 1 defines
definition extract_IPSets :: "simple_rule list ⇒ (32 wordinterval) list" where
"extract_IPSets rs ≡ extract_src_dst_ips rs []"
To build with test cases, it takes over 10 hours:
10:10:49 elapsed time, 38:41:17 cpu time, factor 3.80

Version 2 defines
fun extract_IPSets :: "simple_rule list ⇒ (32 wordinterval) list" where
"extract_IPSets rs = (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs) @
(extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs)"
To build with test cases, it takes less than 4 hours:
3:39:56 elapsed time, 21:08:34 cpu time, factor 5.76

W.r.t. a correctness theorem, both versions are equal.

Version 2 is parallelizing a bit better, but this seems not to be the
main cause of the build time difference. What is causing these huge

When I benchmark on my laptop, The runtime of both implementations is
about equal:
value[code] "let x = (let rs = replicate 1000000 (SimpleRule
simple_match_any simple_action.Accept)
in extract_src_dst_ips rs []) in ()"
value[code] "let x = (let rs = replicate 1000000 (SimpleRule
simple_match_any simple_action.Accept)
in (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs) @
(extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs)) in ()"

Interestingly, export_code extract_IPSets in SML fails for both
versions with the error
"Dependency "int" :: "semiring_div_parity" -> "int" ::
"semiring_parity" would result in module dependency cycle"

What does value[code] do in this case? Does it still compile to SML?

In the file that runs all the value[code] tests, export_code works
(probably because I'm importing Code_Target_Nat and Code_Target_Int

The diff between version1 and version2 is on github. The only change
is the definition of extract_IPSets. More detailed runtime
information in the github commit comments.

Slow (version1):

Fast (version2):

I would be happy for any hint what is responsible for version2 being so slow.

Best Regards,

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 11:49):

From: "C. Diekmann" <>
Dear list,

Please don't waste your time on this question. Version1 and Version2
return the result in a different order (which does not affect the
correctness theorem but the algorithms which continue to work with the
result). I will first check if this is responsible; I will come back
if this is not the main cause. I should have thought about this one
earlier, sorry for the spam.

Have a nice weekend,

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC