From: Alexander Krauss <>
Hi Nils,
I'm new to Isabelle/HOL. I'm supposed to understand a theory which
imports WordMain (and the author of the theory is still in holidays).
Here comes my first problem:1) Where do I find WordMain.thy?
2) What is the difference between WordMain.thy and Word.thy?
I suspect that the theory you are working with was built with Isabelle
2008. WordMain.thy was renamed to Word.thy between the 2008 and the 2009
And now more specific:
3) Why does
types word32 = "32 word"
give an inner syntax error? it is the first line after "begin" in
WordExamples.thy and i thought this should work out of the box.
Where could be my mistake?
When you open WordExamples.thy with the normal HOL image loaded, then
Isabelle picks "Library/Word.thy" by default when you say "imports
Word". This is another, incompatible, development.
You can either manually adapt the import and write
imports "~~/src/HOL/Word/Word"
or your built the HOL-Word image, which contains HOL and the Word
library. To do this, go to /src/HOL where is your Isabelle
installation path, and run
isabelle make HOL-Word
After that you can select the image in Proof General under "Isabelle ->
Hope this helps,
From: Gerwin Klein <>
Hi Nils,
On 07/04/2010, at 3:06 AM, Nils Jähnig wrote:
I'm new to Isabelle/HOL. I'm supposed to understand a theory which
imports WordMain (and the author of the theory is still in holidays).
Here comes my first problem:1) Where do I find WordMain.thy?
WordMain has helpfully been renamed to Word in Isabelle2009-1.
2) What is the difference between WordMain.thy and Word.thy
The two should be equivalent.
And now more specific:
3) Why does
types word32 = "32 word"
give an inner syntax error? it is the first line after "begin" in
WordExamples.thy and i thought this should work out of the box.
I would have thought so as well.
The reason is really quite horrible considering the renaming above: if you don't build on the HOL-Word image, but rely on Isabelle loading the theory "Word" interactively, you get the wrong theory (the one in Library). If I remember correctly, this was the reason I called it WordMain in the first place.
To get the right Word theory, either
Where could be my mistake?
Not really yours..
I'm not sure what I would want the fix to be, though. Another renaming of theories back to the old one (it's not that much fun to fix things back and forth) or a renaming of Library/Word or big warning letters in HOL/Word/Word.thy and WordExamples.thy?
ps: theory name spaces anyone? ;-)
From: Nils Jähnig <>
I'm new to Isabelle/HOL. I'm supposed to understand a theory which
imports WordMain (and the author of the theory is still in holidays).
Here comes my first problem:
1) Where do I find WordMain.thy?
I found Word.thy in Isabelle/HOL/src/Word/
Hence here my second question:
2) What is the difference between WordMain.thy and Word.thy?
And now more specific:
3) Why does
types word32 = "32 word"
give an inner syntax error? it is the first line after "begin" in
WordExamples.thy and i thought this should work out of the box.
Where could be my mistake?
I did the first exercises of the Isabelle HOL tutorial, so the basic
part of my Isabelle system should work.
Greetings from Berlin
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC