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Topic: [isabelle] Working with Vector Spaces

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:48):

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to define algebraic structures
like, for instance, modules over rings or vector spaces
over fields in Isabelle/HOL. In particular, I want to
formulate statements like the following: "The product of
two vector spaces over a field K is a vector space over
the field K."

As far as I see, this is possible using 'typedef' to
define a type as follows (for vector spaces):

typedef ('K, 'V) vectorspace = "{
(zero :: 'V,
add :: 'V => 'V => 'V,
inverse :: 'V => 'V,
scalarmult :: 'K => 'V => 'V
(* ... *)
(ALL v. (add v zero) = v)
& (ALL v v'. (add v v') = (add v' v))
(* ... *)

As working with typedef-ed types seems somewhat
cumbersome, and concepts like Haskell-style type classes
or locales seem to be useful for algebraic structures (as
algebraic structures are used in the running examples in
the documentation), I am wondering if I should rather use
one of those two concepts.

However, as far as I found out, type classes support only
one type parameter (while I need two, one for the
underlying ring/field, and one for the abelian group of
the module/vector space). Is there a reason for this
restriction of type classes?

Concerning locales, I found the vectorspace-locale of the
HahnBanach-theory within the Isabelle library. However, I
do not see how to define functions like "the product of
two vector spaces" (which would map two instantiations of
the locale to a third instantiation of the locale) for
such a locale. Is there any way to define such functions?

Or is there perhaps another "standard" or "recommended"
way to define such structures in Isabelle/HOL?

Best regards,

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:50):

From: Johannes Hölzl <>
Am Donnerstag, den 12.08.2010, 17:20 +0200 schrieb

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to define algebraic structures
like, for instance, modules over rings or vector spaces
over fields in Isabelle/HOL. In particular, I want to
formulate statements like the following: "The product of
two vector spaces over a field K is a vector space over
the field K."
Concerning locales, I found the vectorspace-locale of the
HahnBanach-theory within the Isabelle library. However, I
do not see how to define functions like "the product of
two vector spaces" (which would map two instantiations of
the locale to a third instantiation of the locale) for
such a locale. Is there any way to define such functions?

When you use locales you get a predicate which describes your locale.

locale vector_space =
fixes zero, add, ...
assumes "..."

To prove that a product of two vector spaces is again a vector space,
you can use the predicates:

lemma vector_space_product:
assumes "vector_space z1 add1 ..."
assumes "vector_space z2 add2 ..."
shows "vector_space (z1, z2) ..."
proof -
(* Use interpret to get all you locale lemmas and definitions *)
interpret vs1: vector_space z1 add1 ... by fact
interpret vs2: vector_space z2 add2 ... by fact

show ?thesis ...

Or is there perhaps another "standard" or "recommended"
way to define such structures in Isabelle/HOL?

The recommended way is to use locales. Even type classes are based on

Often the locale parameters for algebraic structures are packaged into a

record 'v 'k vector_space = 'v monoid +
scalar :: "'k => 'v => 'v"

See also src/HOL/Algebra for application of locales to algebraic


Best regards,

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC