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From: Louise Dennis <>
[Our apologies for multiple copies]


3rd-4th April 2006

Tom Hales (Pittsburgh)
Muffy Calder (Glasgow)
Byron Cook (Microsoft)


A 2-day symposium to be held as part of: AISB'06: Adaptation in
Artificial and Biological Systems, April 3rd-6th 2006
University of Bristol, Bristol, England

Continuing the highly successful series of Workshops on Automated
Reasoning, this event will provide an informal forum for the automated
reasoning community. The ARW workshop series aims to bring together
researchers from all areas of automated reasoning in order to foster
links and facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas among researchers
from various disciplines; among researchers from academia, industry
and government; and between theoreticians and practitioners.

Details of the ARW organisation and of previous ARW events can be
found at


Registration is now open to anyone with an interest in Automated
Reasoning through the AISB'06 Website

Please ensure that you select ARW workshop registration from the
registration page rather than AISB registration.

Details of travel and accommodation arrangements are also available
from the AISB'06 Website.


Monday 3rd April

11.30 Plenary Speaker: Byron Cook (Microsoft Research)

13.30 (Short talks (followed by Poster Session continuing into coffee)

Tool Support for Names and Dependencies in Deductive Synthesis
Lucas Dixon

A Web Search System for Theorems
He Cheng, Hideo Suzuki and Hidetsune Kobayashi

A Real Arithmetic Test Suite for Theorem Provers
Olga Lightfoot

Mechanical Verification of Recursive Procedures Manipulating Pointers
using Separation Logic
Viorel Preoteasa

A Structured modelling framework to capture symmetry in circuits
Ashish Darbari

LCF-style Verification with a SAT-solver
Hasan Amjad

A Small Linear Logic Planner
Alan Smaill

3.30 Keynote Speaker: Tom Hales (Pittsburgh)

4.30 Panel Discussion: Topic TBA

Tuesday 5th April

9.30 Plenary Speaker: Muffy Calder (Glasgow)

10.30 (Short talks followed by Poster Session during coffee)

An Hypersequent Calculus for Lukasiewicz Logic without the Merge Rule
Robert Rothenburg

Solvability with Resolution of Problems in the Bernays-Schonfinkel
Renate Schmidt, Ullrich Hustadt

A Tableau Metamodel for Description Logics
Nenad Krdzavac, Vladan Devedzic

Using Proof to Reason about Errors in Ontology Construction
Louise Dennis

Dynamic Refinement in Knowledge Management
Fiona McNeill

Specification and Verification of Reconfiguration Protocols in Grid
Component Systems
Alessandro Bgasso, Alexander Bolotov, Artie Bakukoski, Vladmir Getov,
Ludovic Henrio, Mariusz Urbanski, Adam Mickiewicz

12 (Short talks followed by Poster session continuing into lunch)

XOR Fragments of Temporal Logic
Clare Dixon, M. Fisher and B. Konev

Normal Forms for Modal Logics
Claudia Nalon

Translations to Propositional Satisfiability
Juan Antonia Navarro-Perez

Automated Reformulation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
John Charnley, Simon Colton and Ian Miguel

Using Model Generation in Automated Concept Formation
Pedro Torres and Simon Colton

Managing Mathematical Workflows
Volker Sorge

14.30 Panel Discussion: Topic TBA


Dr. Louise Dennis, University of Nottingham

Matthew Walton, University of Nottingham

Dr. Miroslav Velev, Carnegie Mellon University


Clare Dixon, Chair (University of Liverpool)
Jacques Fleuriot, Secretary/Treasurer (University of Edinburgh)
Brandon Bennett (University of Leeds)
Simon Colton (Imperial College London)
David Crocker (Escher Technologies)
Louise Dennis (University of Nottingham)
Ulle Endriss, (Imperial College London)
Alan Frisch (University of York)
Ian Gent (University of St. Andrews)
Ullrich Hustadt (University of Liverpool)
Mateja Jamnik (Univerity of Cambridge)
Manfred Kerber (University of Birmingham)
Tom Melham (University of Oxford)
Renate Schmidt (University of Manchester)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester)


Early Registration Deadline: March 6th 2006
Late Registration: March 27th 2006

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC