From: Jeremy Dawson <>
The reference manual gives the following example
foo :: ({logic}) logic
foo :: ({}) term
(which is syntactically accepted in an old-style theory though
it produces an error)
But in an Isar-style theory it is rejected with the following
*** Outer syntax error (line 33 of
"/home/users/jeremy/isabelle/cat/kozen.thy"): sort expected,
*** but command "{" (line 33 of
"/home/users/jeremy/isabelle/cat/kozen.thy") was found
The Isar ref manual documentation leaves me confused.
Does anyone know what is the Isar equivalent for the example above?
From: Brian Huffman <>
Try using quotes around the braces, like this:
foo :: ("{logic}") logic
foo :: ("{}") term
The parser for sorts (defined in Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML) can accept an
alphanumeric name, or a quoted string, but not anything starting with a
curly-brace character. I think the confusion in the reference manual might
arise because quote marks are omitted when Isabelle syntax is typeset.
Hope this helps.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC