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Topic: [isabelle] cfp of jaist-fssv2010

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 14:18):

From: Kazuhiro Ogata <>

**** Call for Participation ******

JAIST Advanced School on
    Formal Specification and Systems Verification 2010
(All the Expenses of Participants Will Be Supported by JAIST)

March 1st-5th, 2010
              JAIST, Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
  Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan

JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is
going to provide an advanced school which is designed to give
a series of lectures on recent activities about formal
specification and systems verification with CafeOBJ and
Maude. CafeOBJ and Maude are sister languages of OBJ language,
and two of the most advanced formal specification languages
for systems verification.

This is the first JAIST advanced school on this subject and
lectures of the school will cover the following topics:

This advanced school is sponsored by JAIST as an important
event for publicising activities of JAIST, and travelling and
staying expenses of all participants will be supported by

Lecturers (in alphabetical order)

How to apply
Visit the web page at:
and follow the instructions on it.  The web page for
application will be open around November 20th.

Supposed participants
Graduate or undergraduate students, postdocs, or young
researchers who are interested in and have some basic
knowledge on formal specification and systems
verification. All lectures are given in English. Lectures
include exercises using CafeOBJ and Maude systems, and all
participants are better to bring in their own laptop computers
for running the systems in the class.

The advanced school is scheduled on March 1st-5th, 2010

Opening and introductory sessions will be held at Japan
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and the main
body of the advanced school (a series of lectures) will be
organized at Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu.

All participants are supposed to arrive at Kanazawa Excel
Hotel Tokyu on February 28th, and will stay there until the
afternoon of March 5th.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC