From: Anthony Bordg <>
is there a way to directly denote the ring structure of complex from the
theory Complex.thy where it is proven that complex is a field ? In other
words I want a term of type ring_scheme that denotes the ring structure of
complex, the type of complex numbers.
Thank you
From: Fabian Hellauer <>
Hi Anthony,
in Isabelle2018-RC1, I use this:
theory Scratch imports
Complex_Main "HOL-Algebra.Ring"
definition univ_ring
where "univ_ring = (|carrier = UNIV, mult = ( *), one = 1, zero = 0,
add = (+)|)"
lemma field_field_ring: "Ring.field (univ_ring::_::Fields.field ring)"
apply unfold_locales
apply (auto intro: right_inverse simp: univ_ring_def
Units_def field_simps)
by (metis ab_group_add_class.ab_left_minus add.commute)
definition rat_field :: "rat ring" where "rat_field = univ_ring"
definition real_field :: "real ring" where "real_field = univ_ring"
definition complex_field :: "complex ring" where "complex_field = univ_ring"
lemma field_example_fields: "field rat_field" "field real_field" "field
unfolding rat_field_def real_field_def complex_field_def by (fact
From: Anthony Bordg <>
Hi Fabian,
Thank you for your answer.
My question was : "is there a way to directly denote the ring structure of
complex from the theory Complex.thy where it is proven that complex is a
field ?". A yes or no will help here. I think the answer is no, but since
it's strange and disturbing for me I would like to be sure just in case I'm
missing something. It's strange since there (in Complex.thy) one proves
that complex is a field, but despite that fact the theory Complex.thy does
not seem to offer a way to directly speak about the ring structure of
I'm not sure I understand your code. I would naively write something like
definition cpx_set :: "complex set" where
"cpx_set ≡ {z| z::complex. True}"
definition mult_cpx ::"[complex, complex] ⇒ complex" where
"mult_cpx z z' ≡ z * z' "
definition add_cpx ::"[complex, complex] ⇒ complex" where
"add_cpx z z' ≡ z + z' "
definition cpx_rng ::"complex ring" where
"cpx_rng ≡ ⦇carrier = cpx_set, mult = mult_cpx, one = 1, zero = 0, add =
However, I'm not sure this is the most direct/clever/convenient way to do
it. In particular, I am unable to use times_complex denoted * (resp.
plus_complex denoted +) for the field mult (resp. add) and this is why I
define mult_cpx and add_cpx, indeed times_complex and plus_complex would
not be recognized and they would be seen as variables displayed in blue if
used in the fields mult and add.
From: "Thiemann, René" <>
Hi Anthony,
why not simply:
definition cpx_rng ::"complex ring" where
"cpx_rng ≡ ⦇carrier = UNIV, mult = op *, one = 1, zero = 0, add = op +⦈”
From: Anthony Bordg <>
Dear Rene,
Thank you! I was unfamiliar with "UNIV" and the syntax "op", now I can see
they are exactly the things I was looking for.
Best regards
From: Anthony Bordg <>
Thank you Fabian for your help, your code is clear for me now.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC