From: Gerwin Klein <>
MIKES 2006
Call for Papers: MIKES 2006
First International Workshop on MicroKernels for Embedded Systems
* Deadline extended and minor change to submission procedure. *
to be held on August 15 2006
in Sydney, Australia
co-located with the 12th IEEE RTCSA
Microkernels and microkernel-based operating systems are experiencing
an increased popularity in the field of embedded systems. Despite a
period of low popularity a decade ago, there is a new realisation, in
academia and industry, of the usefulness of microkernels. This is
especially true in the embedded systems domain where the reduced size
and increased dependability of microkernel-based systems have made
them particularly attractive. The MIKES workshop will bring together
researchers and developers from industry and academia to discuss
* emerging novel concepts,
* analysis approaches, and
* case studies
in the area of microkernels.
MIKES 2006 seeks papers that describe original research in the area of
microkernels. This includes but is not limited to:
* case studies
* real-time behaviour
* temporal analysis
* formal/functional verification
* portability
* API proposals
* security and safety
Papers describing new ideas, promising approaches, experiences with
practical systems are considered particularly appropriate. Papers will
be 6 pages in IEEE conference paper format. The material must be
unpublished and not under submission elsewhere. Proceedings will be
published as a technical report by National ICT Australia (NICTA).
Submission Procedure
Papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically at Papers can be in PDF or
postscript format.
* Pre-submission of abstracts is required. *
Abstracts are submitted by ticking the "Abstract Only" box at the
bottom of the new submission form. Updated abstracts and papers
themselves are submitted by updating the original submission.
Note: Extension to deadlines
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: May 22nd
Paper Submission deadline: May 27th
Notification of acceptance: June 12th
Camera ready papers: July 7th
Gernot Heiser, NICTA/UNSW, Australia
Stefan M. Petters, NICTA/UNSW, Australia
Ihor Kuz, NICTA/UNSW, Australia
Kevin Elphinstone, UNSW, Australia
Andrew Tannenbaum, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gerwin Klein, NICTA/UNSW, Australia
Hermann Haertig, TU Dresden, Germany
Jonathan S. Shapiro, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
Neil Audsley, University of York, UK
Sebastian Schoenberg, Intel, Hillsboro, USA
Volkmar Uhlig, IBM Watson, USA
Related Events
Also of interest to some attendees of MIKES might be the International
Workshop on System Verification being held in Sydney (just before
MIKES and RTCSA) on August 7 and 8, 2006.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC