Dear all,
I'm new to Isabelle and I am about to begin reading some proofs, can any
one tell me how can I find a specific applied rule by its name?
ps: ex: apply(possibility), what is possibility?
From: Brian Huffman <>
Given a theorem name, you can display the theorem using Isabelle's
"thm" command. For example,
thm conjI
prints this:
[| ?P; ?Q |] ==> ?P & ?Q
You can type the "thm" command into a theory file and then step over
it (this works either between lemmas or within proofs). Otherwise, if
you don't want to change the file itself, in ProofGeneral you can
press ctrl-c, ctrl-v, and then type a "thm" command into the
Hope this helps,
From: Christian Sternagel <>
Either you are using, e.g., 'grep' to search the source files for the
name, or better, use the command
find_theorems name:"possibility"
inside the emacs buffer to search for all theorems/lemmas whose name
contains the string "possibility." Note the, e.g., when you have
apply(rule conjI)
you just search for "conjI" not including "rule ."
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC