From: Buday Gergely <>
I am formalising an abstract machine. For being able to prove pattern completeness, I defined the function to evalute to
value option
and added a last clause that returns None if all the other patterns fail.
But it is not clear how this interplays with
abstract_machine_dom arguments => (abstract_machine arguments) meets specification
type theorems. Would it be better to simply make an infinite recursive call as a last pattern?
| abstract_machine arguments = abstract_machine arguments
letting it not to terminate at all?
What is the standard way of defining an interpreter and its partial correctness in Isabelle?
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
On 28/01/2014 12:10, Buday Gergely wrote:
I am formalising an abstract machine. For being able to prove pattern completeness, I defined the function to evalute to
value option
and added a last clause that returns None if all the other patterns fail.
But it is not clear how this interplays with
abstract_machine_dom arguments => (abstract_machine arguments) meets specification
type theorems.
If you have a dom predicate, you don't need the option type because the
predicate should guaratee you never get into an underdefined situation.
Conversely, with option you can formulate your theorem like this:
abstract_machine arguments = Some result ==> results meets spec
Would it be better to simply make an infinite recursive call as a last pattern?
| abstract_machine arguments = abstract_machine arguments
letting it not to terminate at all?
You would not be able to define this with "fun" and would need to use
"partial_function (option)". However, you should only do this if it is a genuine
case of nontermination and not failed pattern-matching turned into artificial
What is the standard way of defining an interpreter and its partial correctness in Isabelle?
- Gergely
From: Buday Gergely <>
Where can I find documentation on this partial_function (option)
keyword? I did not find it in the function definition paper -- I have found its definition in an ML file but that was not very helpful.
From: René Thiemann <>
Where can I find documentation on this
partial_function (option)
keyword? I did not find it in the function definition paper -- I have found its definition in an ML file but that was not very helpful.
I don't know whether this is the most recent reference, but it is described in:
A. Krauss. Recursive definitions of monadic functions. In Proc. PAR ’10, volume 43
of EPTCS, pages 1–13, 2010.
(available at
To see its use in practice, you may also have a look at the IsaFoR/CeTA formalization
which contains at least 18 definitions via partial function, where also a user-defined
monad is utilized.
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
There are two examples in ex/Fundefs.thy.
From: Dmitriy Traytel <>
There is also a page about it in the Isar reference manual:
Isabelle2013-2 doc isar-ref
Section 11.2.2
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC