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Topic: [isabelle] frustrated by blast and instantiation

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 10:03):

From: Michael Norrish <>
I am currently trying to prove what feels like a trivial lemma and
becoming frustrated by meta-level quantifiers and blast, and no doubt
any number of sophisticated considerations that I'm not aware of.

Here is a miniature theory that illustrates a stripped down version of
my problem.

theory foo
imports Main


consts c :: "nat"
consts f :: "nat => 'a"

lemma foo1: "ALL i. EX! n. n < c & f n = i"

lemma foo2: "(ALL k. P k) = (ALL i. i < c --> P (f i))"
apply rule
apply simp
apply rule+
apply (insert foo1[where 'a = 'a])
apply (drule_tac x = k in spec)
apply blast


(The theorem foo1 actually has a proof in the real setting.)

This proof succeeds, but there are two things I dislike about it.

  1. It seems as if I am doing the wrong thing in not converting foo1
    to be in "rule_format" (or proving it that way in the first
    place). All the documentation I have suggests that rule_format is
    the right way to store lemmas. But, I seem to have to keep the
    object level universal if I'm to be able to import/insert the
    result into the proof foo2. If I have it in rule_format and
    insert it un-modified, then I get a meta-level implication in my
    premises, and I don't know how to do anything with that. If I try
    to use "of" or "where" to instantiate a rule_format version of
    foo1, then the meta-level quantifier on the goal shifts its
    quantification over the goal's k to dodge my implication.

  2. I have to instantiate foo1 by hand, both to get its type variable
    correct, and then to instantiate i. Why doesn't

    apply (blast intro: foo1)

    just solve this goal at the outset? If I set the corresponding
    situation up in HOL4, my proof of foo2 looks like

    val foo2 = store_thm(
    (!k. P k) = (!i. i < c ==> P (f i)),
    PROVE_TAC [foo1])

    [ Perhaps I'm giving blast the wrong modifier. But then, why
    doesn't blast let me just use add: and then figure out for
    itself how to use the given theorem? I can believe that
    theorems being permanently added to the underlying reasoners
    should be carefully categorised as intro, dest or elim
    (particularly as there so many of them), but for a one-off
    tactic, having to apply thought is just a hindrance to getting
    through the proof. ]

So, what is the 'right' way to state foo1, and the right way to prove


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 10:03):

From: Tobias Nipkow <>
I don't think this has anything to do with which quantifier you use -
blast just seems unable to prove the goal. This may be due to the
presence of "=". Larry may be able to comment.

Concerning the quantifiers: certainly simp, but I believe also blast
don't care what quantifiers a premise carries.

Meta-level quantifiers in premises can be dealt with like object-level
ones with the rules meta_spec and meta_allE.


Michael Norrish schrieb:

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 10:04):

From: Lawrence Paulson <>

You are right that the meta-level form of a theorem (using !! and
==>) is generally best, but it depends on various factors. You really
need to use an Isar structured proof to take advantage of this
format. Here is a nice version of your proof:

lemma foo3: "!!i. EX! n. n < c & f n = i"

lemma foo4: "(ALL k. P k) = (ALL i. i < c --> P (f i))"
proof auto
fix k
assume "ALL i<c. P (f i)"
with foo3 [of k]
show "P k" by blast

The problem with the straight-line version is that k is a bound
variable, and instantiation by of/where (which is really intended for
structured proofs only) inserts a free variable. With the structured
proof above, k becomes a free variable.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 10:04):

From: Michael Norrish <>
Lawrence Paulson wrote:

You really need to use an Isar structured proof to take advantage of
this format. Here is a nice version of your proof:

lemma foo3: "!!i. EX! n. n < c & f n = i"

lemma foo4: "(ALL k. P k) = (ALL i. i < c --> P (f i))"
proof auto
fix k
assume "ALL i<c. P (f i)"
with foo3 [of k]
show "P k" by blast

The problem with the straight-line version is that k is a bound
variable, and instantiation by of/where (which is really intended
for structured proofs only) inserts a free variable. With the
structured proof above, k becomes a free variable.

Thanks. I think I appreciate the distinction between the different
sorts of variables a bit better now. I was misled by or misunderstood
the Tutorial's description of "insert", which uses of in an
apply-style proof, and doesn't seem to run into any issues with
its quantifiers.

Until I figure out Isar's declarative language, I'll use meta_allE for
the moment (thanks, Tobias).


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC