From: Jeremy Dawson <>
In the following theory file,
theory Scratch imports Main begin
setup {* Thy_Header.add_keywords
[(("myname", Position.none), (("diag", []), []))] ; *}
ML {*
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>myname\<close> "print
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (fn _ => writeln "jeremy")));
the print_commands commands shows that the new command "myname" has been
added, but when we get to using it, it fails with a message like
command expected but identifier myname found
Why is this?
When I replace the use of Thy_Header.add_keywords with inserting
keyword myname :: "diag" in the theory file header it works OK
What is happening here?
My understanding is that the commands defined in this theory won't be
available until subsequent theories.
From: Lars Hupel <>
Dear Jeremy,
When I replace the use of Thy_Header.add_keywords with inserting
keyword myname :: "diag" in the theory file header it works OK
this is indeed the recommended way of adding new commands. It is
required so that Isabelle/jEdit (and other frontends) can statically
understand the outer command syntax of a theory.
From: Makarius <>
Even more it is mandatory to declare keywords statically.
Recall that the usual way to do things properly in Isabelle is to look
at representative examples, to see how people have done it successfully
If all fails, there is also some documentation: "implementation" manual
section 9.1.2:
The file 🗏‹~~/src/HOL/ex/Commands.thy› shows some example Isar command
definitions, with the all-important theory header declarations for outer
syntax keywords.
From: Jeremy Dawson <>
Well, I haven't found any examples showing how to add a new command at
an arbitrary point in a theory file (the examples all add the required
keyword right at the start of the theory file)
From: Lars Hupel <>
That's because you should not add a new command at an arbitrary point,
but at the header. It's just not supported. Why do you want to do it
somewhere else?
From: Jeremy Dawson <>
Well, I was thinking of the possibility that the need for a new command
might be discovered during the interactive development of a theory.
It's not clear at this point it would be needed, or couldn't be worked
around. But that's what I was trying to do, in trying to figure out how
to add a command.
From: Peter Lammich <>
On Di, 2018-08-07 at 18:19 +1000, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
On 07/08/18 16:41, Lars Hupel wrote:
Well, I haven't found any examples showing how to add a new
command at
an arbitrary point in a theory file (the examples all add the
keyword right at the start of the theory file)
That's because you should not add a new command at an arbitrary
but at the header. It's just not supported. Why do you want to do
somewhere else?
Well, I was thinking of the possibility that the need for a new
might be discovered during the interactive development of a theory.It's not clear at this point it would be needed, or couldn't be
around. But that's what I was trying to do, in trying to figure out
to add a command.
The need for new commands is usually rare enough that it is realistic
to go back to the header of the theory each time you discover its need,
and add a keyword there.
From: Makarius <>
The 'keywords' are part of the theory header and have to be there on top
-- there is no way around it.
The actual command definition can be anywhere in the same theory, and
you can use the command right after defining it.
The example ~~/src/HOL/ex/Commands.thy demonstrates both aspects.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC